The one armed Barista
Yesterday I was thinking what would happen if I went surfing and I didn't drown, but what if a shark attacked me? I thought of that girl that got attacked by the shark while surfing and lost her arm. I thought what if that's me. What if I lose an arm.
I was discussing this at work with my fellow coworkers and the idea of the one armed barista came to mind. With a few modifications I think I could actually do my job better with only one arm. Like putting foot handles on the fridges, not only would that be a great idea for arm challenged people but I would love it now. How many times do I have 4 jugs of milk in my hands and I cant open the refrigerator?
So I was practicing yesterday making drinks with one hand, I figure I shouldn't have to practice much if I lose my left arm because my right arm is dominant, so I should practice using my left arm just in case. If I lost both arms well I guess I would have to make drinks with my feet, some people might not like that too much, but it would bring curious people in.
This whole thought is kinda crazy because its not really out of fear of losing an arm but how fascinating it would be to try and learn how to do everything without an arm, just in case. When I was a kid I always thought I would go blind, probably from watching Mary go blind on "Little House on the Prairie." So I would walk around my house with my eyes closed, so when I did go blind life would carry on like normal. I got really good at it and sometimes now I find me going about my day with my eyes closed. It limits the sensory stimulation, which in our over stimulated generation--is kinda nice.
And if I ever lose an arm, I think i'll be alright, and I could get one of those cool knobby things for the steering wheel of my car!