Dear Mrs. Williams*
I know it has been quite some time since I have seen you or helped you. I was that teller at the bank that you told off for asking for your ID the first week on the job. When I wouldn't help you, you went to my manager and told her I was racist. I just want you to know I am not.
I also want you to know that you can't play the "race card" because you are throwing a fit when you don't get your way. We are all adults here, start acting like one. Being any colour doesn't give you any more right to courtesy and respect than anyone else. Furthermore I don't care if you are black, white, yellow, orange, green, purple or blue, whether you are gay, straight, bi, transgender, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Atheist, or whatever else you may or may not be, one thing we have in common is that we are human beings. Racism is just one form of discrimination/hate.
Racism is judging someone by the colour of their skin, along with this it should be noted that judging how my interaction with you is going to go based on the colour of my skin is equally as racist. As much as this repulses me that you act this way, and as much as I wish on some technicality I could not give you what you wanted, I continued to serve you and act as if I were the one in the wrong, when in fact I was just doing my job and in no way was infringing upon your rights.
What I would also like to point out is the error in your judgement of me, is that you don't know my ethnic history, you don't know if my forefathers fought oppression and strived for equality. In fact you don't even know if I really am "white". You can't see that my grandmother might have been black, or Native American or Hispanic, or Asian. All you see is the colour of my skin. You don't know that I was a minority once too, and all the shit I put up with, because I got spit on, I got slapped, I lost all my friends in Junior High because there was this "back to Africa" movement, and there was a denial of everything associated with "being white" whatever that meant.
I'm sorry for the fact that slavery was, and that so many people were forced into it. But I will also remind you that it was Africans that sold Africans to the slave traders, A conflict between clans which still exists in many parts of the world that we would do better to pay mind to. The slave trade is not/was not solely a white vs black issue, as today there are more people all over the world in slavery than there was during the time of the greatest abolition efforts.
So I just want you to know that I am happy to serve people because that's my job, but I will not be treated this way by you, or by anyone else.
*names have been changed to protect the guilty.
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