Two or more on the go
I have a few on the go, but I cant seem to get them to say what I want them to say. The last couple of blogs haven't been what I really wanted either. So I am taking more time on these, I hope they are gooders. Even this isn't really what I want or need to say, it seems kinda superficial for me.
I have had a lot on my mind about my friends. Several of them are looking for jobs and aren't having much luck. A few of my friends are kinda gettin messed up into things that I know are gonna catch up with them and maybe leave permanent physical or psychological damage.
I would change the world for them, if I could. I would give them the best job they ever had and I would take them away from all that could hurt them. And in a perfect world that would be alright. But I know that we all must face these things head on and learn to deal with them, it shapes us into who we become, and although I don't like what I see some of my friends becoming, I know its based on their decisions and its shaping who they are.
Maybe in 5 years we wont be friends anymore? People assure me that they will always be my friends. People change and people follow after different things in their lives, and its not that we become enemies, we just have different directions our lives are going. I still consider them my friends but the relationship has changed, and for one reason or another, moving away, a new job, going to school,we no longer share the same thoughts. You can't read their mind anymore, you can't finish their sentences, you don't always get their humor anymore. Sometimes its messy and the person is constantly misunderstanding you and the communication breaks down, its sad when that happens but it happens. It's difficult but I don't think its necessarily bad.
I am thankful for the friends that I got, and I believe they were put into my life to shape who I am becoming. I hope that we stay close the rest of our lives, but if we don't I can still look back and remember the times and be thankful for how they have helped me be me.